Category: Blog

replacement windows on your Fair Oaks, CA

The Parts of a Door Lock

If you’re installing new doors or replacement windows in your Fair Oaks, CA home, you need to make sure they have high-quality locks. After all, you want your home to be safe! However, it’s hard to choose a good lock for your door if you don’t know how locks work. Start with the basics, and […]

replacement windows in your Elk Grove, CA

Pest-Proofing Your Entry Doors

Mice, rats, bugs and other pests are the stuff of homeowner nightmares. While a lot of these nasty critters get into homes through cracks, crevices and other tiny holes, a lot of them get in through poorly sealed doors. Learn a few tips to pest-proof the entry doors and replacement windows in your Elk Grove, CA home to keep the […]

Sacramento, CA replacement windows

Replacement Windows and Security

People get Sacramento, CA replacement windows for many reasons, from general appearance and technology upgrades to energy efficiency. However, most homeowners rarely think about one big reason why they should replace their windows: home security.     Windows can easily become unsecure, allowing burglars or other people with bad intentions access to your home. But how can you tell if your […]

Fair Oaks, CA replacement windows

Glass for Replacement Windows and Doors

There are many strong arguments both for and against doors with glass, and it really comes down to your personal preferences. However, if you do choose to install glass in your Fair Oaks, CA replacement windows and doors, you need to make sure it’s the right kind of glass. What types of glass works best for replacement doors? […]

replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA

Different Kinds of Door Locks

Your doors and replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA are an essential part of your home, as they both open to welcome in guests and close to keep out unwanted intruders. A good lock is a key element of all doors and windows.     However, there are a lot of different kinds of locks, and it can […]

replacement window shop in Sacramento, CA

Should You Get an Entry Door with Glass?

Most homeowners think about getting entry doors with glass, and often have trouble deciding because of the rumored downsides and supposed benefits. If you’re getting a new entry door from a replacement window shop in Sacramento, CA, you’re probably considering getting one with glass.   There are definitely good and bad things about entry doors […]

replacement windows in Fair Oaks, CA

Vinyl Vs. Wood

If you’re shopping for replacement windows in Fair Oaks, CA, you’ve heard of vinyl and wood windows.   Wood windows and vinyl windows are the most common window type for both replacement and new construction because both have amazing benefits from appearance and efficiency to cost and more. However, vinyl windows and wood windows are […]

replacement window shops in Elk Grove, CA

Exterior Doors Vs. Interior Doors

All doors aren’t created equal, even though a lot of homeowners think they can use an exterior door inside or vice versa. In reality, there are a lot of big differences between interior doors and exterior doors, even when it comes to door and replacement window shops in Elk Grove, CA and beyond.   These […]

replacement widows for your Sacramento, CA

Replacement Window Trends for 2021

Windows are so much more than functional; they are also very beautiful and stylish. There’s a reason why trends are trendy – they look great. Why not make your replacement widows for your Sacramento, CA home look great with 2021 window trends? Use this list of 2021 window trends as inspiration for your replacement windows. […]

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