Category: Blog

Milgard replacing windows Sacramento, CA

What to Expect When Replacing Windows

Replacing windows is probably not something you’ll need to do very often, as modern windows last decades. However, if you are in the market for new windows, you may feel overwhelmed with all the choices and vocabulary. To get you prepared for this journey, we’re offering you some advice on what to expect when replacing […]

Steps to Replacing Your Patio Door

Has your patio door seen better days? Patio doors put up with a lot of wear and tear; some hold up better than others. Replacing your patio door is probably a good idea if your existing one is warped, rotted, peeling, or doesn’t close properly. While you may think you’ll just install a new door […]

IBS 2019 recap

IBS 2019 Recap

The Window and Door Shop attended IBS (International Builder’s Show) for the first time this year in Las Vegas. This is a massive event, bringing together all the top window and door manufacturers in the world. We had the opportunity to meet, connect, and chat with many of our manufacturers. Lots of new products were […]

Elk Grove, CA replacement windows

Replacement Windows Before Summer

Summers in California are some of the best times of the year. If you want to enjoy the summer to its fullest, you need a way to get away from the heat when the sun is really beating down. While summer is a good time to work on certain home improvement projects, you might want […]

Citrus Heights, CA replacement windows

New Energy Improvements In Replacement Windows

Often, one of the biggest reasons homeowners get Citrus Heights, CA replacement windows is for the sake of their home’s energy efficiency. They know that new windows will heighten their efficiency and reduce their energy use. What they may not know is exactly why or how that is the case. Here are some of the things you’ll […]

Regular Window Maintenance Fair Oaks CA Replacement Windows And Doors

Regular Window Maintenance Tips

Whether your windows are new or old, there are many regular window maintenance activities you should be doing to ensure they perform as expected. By maintaining your windows, your windows will last longer and be more energy efficient, saving you money! Windows are a huge investment and critical to the structure of your home. Let’s […]

Carmichael, CA window replacement

What Are Your Window Replacement Questions?

Most homeowners have never replaced the windows on their house so when the time comes to take the project on, they have a lot of questions. Carmichael, CA window replacement is a big project and no one wants to enter into it lightly. Here are some of the questions you’ll likely have as you approach the process […]

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