Category: Blog

replacement windows in Fair Oaks, CA

5 Reasons to Get Replacement Windows

Not sure if you need to get your windows replaced? Then, you’re in luck! We’ve listed down the top 5 reasons to get replacement windows in Fair Oaks, CA, or anywhere you’re living right now.   1. Improve Your Home’s Safety and Security If you’re living in an old home, you’d want to invest in […]

replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA

Fiberglass Vs. Wood Doors and Replacement Windows

If you’re shopping for new entry doors or replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA, you’ve most likely looked at both wood and fiberglass. Both materials offer a few benefits, but both also have some downsides. To better prepare yourself for finding the right entry doors or windows for your home, use this fiberglass vs. wood […]

replacement windows on your Sacramento, CA

How to Clean Double Hung Replacement Windows

Double-hung windows are ideal for making your home more comfortable, safe, energy-efficient, and stylish. However, without the proper care, the new replacement windows on your Sacramento, CA home won’t stay that way forever. Are you worried about maintaining your windows? Cleaning your double hung windows, both inside and out, is an important part of keeping […]

replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA

Fiberglass Door FAQ

If you have lots of questions about fiberglass doors and replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA home, you’re not alone. Most homeowners have plenty of questions about fiberglass doors, so this list of frequently asked questions and their answers should be very helpful. What’s the best kind of door frame? When shopping for door […]

replacement window for your Elk Grove, CA

A Beginner’s Guide to Replacement Window Styles

Your windows say a lot about your home from the curb, and from the inside as well! Your windows also greatly affect your home’s temperature, comfort levels, and energy efficiency, especially in our erratic Washington climate. Choosing the right replacement window for your Elk Grove, CA home means finding the perfect balance between aesthetics, function, […]

replacement windows on your Sacramento, CA

Keep Your Doors in Great Shape

The doors and replacement windows on your Sacramento, CA home are awesome. First of all, they are incredibly moisture resistant. Molded without any breaks or seams in their outer coverings, fiberglass entry doors are impervious to moisture or leakage. They are also five times more energy efficient than wood doors, which is very important if […]

replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA

A Beginner’s Guide to Vinyl Replacement Windows

Vinyl windows have a somewhat negative reputation for past problems. They used to be cheaply made and unattractive, but thanks to modern advances in technology and construction, vinyl windows are just as durable, beautiful, and weatherproof as clad wood or wood windows. If you’re curious about vinyl replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA home, […]

replacement windows for your Elk Grove, CA

Impact Resistant Replacement Windows

Homeowners often hear a lot about impact-resistant windows. They hear how great they are, how much money they save over time, and how they can protect you from severe weather. However, a lot of homeowners never get to hear the details of what impact-resistant windows really are. Read this guide to gain a better understanding […]

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