Category: Blog

replacement windows in Sacramento, CA

What Do Your Doors Say About You?

There are lots of different styles of doors and replacement windows in Sacramento, CA. Most people spend time thinking about how their door style reflects the style of their home. Have you ever thought about what your door style says about you? What does your interior door style say about your personality? French Doors – […]

replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA

Fiberglass Replacement Windows

Two very common replacement window materials are wood and fiberglass. The two obviously have great benefits, as they are so common. However, this leaves many homeowners lost when it comes to choosing between the two materials. If you’re choosing between wood and fiberglass replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA home, you should definitely learn […]

replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA

Energy Star and Your Doors

It’s crucial that you do your part for energy efficiency to not only help the environment but also to keep your energy spending down. But how can you make the doors and replacement windows fiberglass entry doors on your Elk Grove, CA home more energy efficient? One easy way is by using Energy Star when […]

replacement windows on your Sacramento, CA

Replacement Windows and Weather-Stripping

Are the replacement windows on your Sacramento, CA home not doing their jobs? Are you getting lots of bugs or critters crawling through the window? Do you have too much light, wind, or even bad smells coming through the cracks between your windows and the jamb? If you answered yes to any of the above […]

replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA

The Best Time of Year to Replace Your Doors

While there are definitely bigger home improvement jobs than replacing your entry doors, getting new doors still requires a fair amount of planning and preparation. One big step you need to take to plan a smooth transition for the new doors or replacement windows for your Fair Oaks, CA home is to choose when you […]

replacement windows on their Elk Grove, CA

Are Your Replacement Wasting Your Money?

Everyone is looking to save a buck here and there. However, what many homeowners don’t know is that they could be letting money leak out of their homes through their replacement windows on their Elk Grove, CA home. Keep reading to learn more about this common issue and possible solutions. A common culprit of wasted […]

replacement windows in Sacramento, CA

Barn Door Trends

From chic pictures from influencers on Instagram to your favorite shows and designers on HGTV, barn doors are seemingly everywhere. These on-trend doors offer a touch of vintage charm that can turn average doors or replacement windows in Sacramento, CA to memorable and unique finishes for a modern home. Barn doors, as their name denotes, […]

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