April 01 2019 0Comment
replacement windows in El Dorado Hills, CA

Replacement Windows Bring Awesome Results

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your house could just take a pill that could magically fix everything that’s wrong with it? While there is no such medication, it’s easy enough to fix a lot of things that might be going wrong with one project—replacement windows in El Dorado Hills, CA. This one project can help you in a number of ways. Here are some of the awesome results you’ll get once your new windows are installed.  

Lower Energy Bills 

One of the things you’ll notice right away is how much lower your bills are. When you get new windows, they make your house energy efficient. The energy your home puts out in the form of heating and cooling stays inside your home. Since it’s not leaking out (and air from outside isn’t seeping in) you use less energy. Wasting energy is really frustrating. You don’t even get to use the energy before it rushes out of the house. When the air stays in, the energy bills go down and you waste less right away and in the long run.  

A Beautiful New Look 

You want your home to look fresh and new, but as time goes by, it just doesn’t any longer. There are many things that can impact a home’s appearance and the windows are a large part of it. Windows that are old, peeling, saggy, or warped can make your house look older than it really is. When you get replacement windows, you also get a lovely, fresh, new look. Depending on the color, your home might look completely different than it did before. Whatever you do, the new windows will definitely be an upgrade.  

Much Better Sound Resistance 

One of the side effects that many homeowners don’t anticipate is how much quieter their house is after the new windows are installed. New windows resist sound from outside so you have more peace and quiet on the inside. If you live near a busy street, another house with a dog or loud kids, or something else that has bugged you in the past, you’ll notice this new sound barrier right away.  

These are just a few of the awesome results you’ll get from your El Dorado Hills, CA replacement windows. You’ll notice even more side effects as you live with the windows for longer. When you get certain upgrades, like low-E coatings, you won’t experience fading in your flooring or furniture, for example. The long list of benefits goes on and when you contact the professionals at The Window and Door Shop, Inc, we can go over all of them with you. Give us a call with your questions at (916) 252-4100 or we can set up a free consultation to go over the options with you. We’re also happy to show you around to let you take a look at our quality windows in person. Our showroom is located at 1717 Bell St, Sacramento, CA 95825 and we’re here to go over ratings labels or anything else you want.
